i hope you are all
enjoying the beginning days of Fair!!! :))) im sure you are all very excited
for ALL that it brings!! :) GOOD LUCK SHOWERS!! ;))
well this week really
was a great week!!!
FIRST!! we had a
multi-zone conference with Presidente Ruiz on Wednesday! and wow!! it was
great!! it started with a test of the Book of Mormon! (we were challenged to
read it in 1 month! and i did it!!! it was a LOT of reading, 8 chapters
everyday, but it was so great!!!!) we also had some REALLY great workshops
about teaching by the spirit, finding families, and having a lot of success in
august! but my favorites talks were from Presidente and Hermana Ruiz. they truly
are inspired people!!!! i am truly blessed to be able to learn from them and
have them as my leaders in the mission!!! :))) but we saw a true miracle in
this conference. ¿do you remember the elder i told you about who was really
sick and we were fasting a lot for him? ¿elder portillo? well anyway, him! we
were able to video chat with him! it started out with presidente ruiz talking
about the book of mormon and how it is a HUGE testimony of Jesus Christ. and
how if we dont have a testimony in anything else it needs to be that Jesus is
the Christ and that he Lives!!!! :)) we then watched 3 testimonies from the
movie "Special Witnesses" and to close Presidente was talking about
how if we have this testimony in Christ that when our "Gethsemanes"
come we will be prepared to endure them and will endure them with faith. he
then told us he had a surprise. it was then that Elder Portillo´s face showed
up on the screen. he then proceded to share his testimony with us of the Living
Chirst. wow!! how powerful his testimony is! i only knew elder portillo for 1
change and we didnt talk to much but one thing i do remeber of him is that he
was a great missionary and has a greater testimony!!! and i was reassured of
that testimony wednesday!! (the miracle of this is that tuesday he had a big
tube in his neck, which he had had for 2 months, and they took it out!!
MIRACLES!!!!) we will all go through our own trials but if our testimony of
Christ is strong. WE WILL NOT FALL!!!!! :)))
SECOND!! we have this
investigator Nancy, who we have been teaching for a while but hasnt been able
to come to church bc she lives 2 hours away and isnt here in malacatan on the
weekends. she is SO pilas and has been since we first met her! but we were
thinking about droping her bc she hasnt been able to come and her family doesnt
give her permision to get baptized (shes 17) and so we went tuesday to visit
her one last time and she told us the best news i had heard all week!!!! HER
PARENTS GAVE HER PERMISSION!!!!! she talked to them and they finally said that
if she wanted to do it that it was her choice and that she could!!!! well that
was amazing! but we were still worried about how we were going to get her to
church bc she lives so far away. well we called her friday night and she said
that she wasnt going to go to her house bc she had a lot of homework and that
she was going to come to church sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!! thats right! after 3
1/2 months she was finally able to come to church!!!! she has a fecha for the
15th of August!!! and she tells us every time we go taht she NEEDS to
baptized!! this little girl will do GREAT things in her life and even greater
things for the Lord!! this experience taught me that it isnt our timing that
matters but the timing of the lord! he knows when the people are ready! he
knows when they need to be baptized! and we just need to trust in his timing
more!! i also learned PATIENCE!!!!!
we saw many miracles
this week and it was a true blessing! but my testimony of fasting grew so much!
this week we saw EVERY SINGLE THING we asked for in the fast come to pass!
EVERY THING!!!!! and even more miraculous is that it happened within 5 hours of
starting the fast!!!! HEAVENLY FATHER DOES NOT LIE! if he promises us
something, and we are obedient, he will bless us!!! i also want to share my
testimony, but in spanish bc its a little easier to do so right now... ;)
testifico que esta
iglesia es verdadera y realmente es la iglesia de JESUCRISTO!!! solo por medio
de esta iglesia podemos regresar y vivir con nuestro Padre Celestial. SÉ que
Dios nos ama y NUNCA olvida de nosotros!! somos imperfectos pero la ayuda de él
podemos ser mejores cada dia! JESUCRISTO NOS AMA! el Libro de Mormon es
verdadero y cambia las vidas de las personas! somos una familia eterna! LES AMO
MUCHISIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))
MUCH! have a great week and good luck with all your shows and sales and work
and everything!!! work hard, pray harder!!!!!!! :)))
Hermana Canty
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