Monday, January 25, 2016

We're All in This Together


i hope you are all doing great! well there are lots of things to tell so we´ll get started:

on wednesday we had a WORLD WIDE MISSIONARY BROADCAST!! thats right...WORLD WIDE!! every missionary in the world was watching it, and wow...just the thought of that brought a huge spirit. the theme of the conference was "Teach Repentance, Baptize Converts" were listened to the general authorities speak to us about the importance of teaching the basic doctines!! i thnk sometimes, not just as missionaries, but as members we try to give all of the knowledge we have in the first chance we get, but sometimes just teaching to the basic doctrines WITH THE SPIRIT is what the people need. the thing that stood out to me the most is something that Elder Neil L. Anderson said. he stated, "No matter how much we talk of chirst, it will never be too much" WOW!!!!! what truth that has. as missionaries we literally wear his name on our chest everyday and it is our duty to "talk, rejoice in, preach, and prophesy" of CHRIST!!!! but that shouldnt just be a duty of full time missionaries with the black name tag on, but a duty of every person in the world!! and especially of the members of HIS church. Also he said, that if we dont know what to talk about that we should talk of Christ. so just remember that. :D

also we saw a huge miracle this week. a few weeks ago we were looking at hte old investigators in our area book and we came across a name, Karen Garcia. we looked for her for a while..but the direction and number werent very good. so we asked some of the members that lived close to where we thought she lived. they gave us a direction..but it was almost as hard to find it as before. flashforward, saturday night we were again looking at the area book and the progress forms in it...and again came across her name. i told hermana chan that i felt we should visit her the next day and we made our plans. flashforward to church. i had to lead the hymns and half way through the meeting a teenage girl walked in. as i saw her i felt something...the spirit. and after the meeting we talked to her.. and guess who it was..KAREN GARCIA!!!! she came to church. the bishop had invited her. lets just say that the spirit is trying to tell the whole ward that she is ready!!! we have a cita tomorrow!!! :)))

i love being a missionary because i get to focus on the hand of the lord. he is always there in our lives but as normal people we often cant focus solely on his hands because of hte demands of hte world...but how special it is to put aside every other care in the world and focus on helping other know our savior. i invite you all to try, amongst the distractions of the real world, to focus on the hands of the lord in your lives. i promise you that you will be astounded at the miracles you see!!

i love you all so much and i really do have the best family in the world! thanks for your prayers and love!! I LOVE YOU!! have a great week and good luck in everything!!

con amor!!
Hermana Canty

PS: this week i ate shark and chicken liver...those are some new things...